Thursday, October 18, 2007

Back from the Heights of Machu Picchu

Hello William,

I assume that you are back from Peru, and the wonders of Cuzco and Machu Pichu. I hope that it was an interesting and exciting trip, although I bet you are exhausted. We will be looking for the photos. How did you make out with the altitude? One of Chris's friends were there recently and told him that Cuzco was higher than Machu Picchu and that he had problems with the altitude in Cuzco but not Machu Picchu. Did they give you any of the magic leaves to chew?

Not too much new here, things are pretty routine, not much new. Everybody is well. The only thing new is that it seems that Gracie is going to India for her semester abroad รข€“ that is if she ever tells her parents. She told her parents that she was making arrangements to go abroad but she wasn'€™t going to tell them where; at least not for now. They think it is India because they got a check back for the deposit with India written in the memo field. So, if you run across her online do not let on that you know about it, and who know it may not be correct anyways.

I am at work so this is just a short note to welcome you back to Santiago. I better get back to work.

Love you, miss you, and take care down there,


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